
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Ice Planet Podcast: ’Barbarian Alien’ (Episode Two)
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Welcome back to the ice planet!
We meet Raahosh and Liz, the Ice Planet’s resident tsunderes. It’s the first of many kidnapping plots and many mispronunciations of Haeden’s name. It’s also the first of many, many, many discussions of the spur. Strap in.
For this episode, I’m joined by guests Bobbi and Ellen from The Lusty Intellectuals. They are actually the ones who retweeted that giant blue dildo photo in my Instagram feed that sort of sparked this whole thing, so it’s fitting. We’ve come full circle and now we’re all talking about blue dicks.
Thank you to everyone who listened, who shared, who tweeted, who left a comment or otherwise engaged with the podcast. I had a lot of fun putting that first episode together and I’m so happy to hear that people enjoyed listening to it.
Check out the pod next week when Isabel of Romance Sparks Joy joins me to discuss Barbarian Lover.
This is a repost of episode two of the Ice Planet Podcast covering Barbarian Alien. Originally published on Jan. 14, 2020.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Ice Planet Podcast: ’Ice Planet Barbarians’ (Episode One)
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
This is happening folks! Thanks for joining me for this bonkers endeavor.
For the first episode, we go over just what the Ice Planet Barbarians series is, how I discovered (and why I can't leave. it. alone!) and dig into the very first book of the series, Ice Planet Barbarians.
We'll meet Georgie and Vektal, the de-facto leaders of the tribe; discover the joy of resonance, and, yes, the blue dicks. I know what ya'll are here for.
Sit back and enjoy! Be sure to listen in next week when I'll be joined by guests, Bobbi and Ellen from The Lusty Intellectuals.
This is a repost of episode one of the Ice Planet Podcast covering Ice Planet Barbarians. Originally published on Jan. 7, 2020.

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Happy New Year, y’all! We hope you had a fantastic holiday and a wonderful start to your 2020.
‘Cause RWA certainly didn’t!
In case you missed it, the Romance Writers of America are embroiled in what the Guardian calls a "racism row." We attempt to break down what they fucked up this time and, whew, chile. It’s a mess.
FYI: This mess is currently ongoing and evolving; in fact, it was a bit out of date the afternoon we recorded. For the latest updates and wtf-ery?, we definitely recommend checking out this Twitter moment with all the details created by Romance Sparks Joy.
If you’re curious to learn more, we previously discussed the RWA’s inclusivity and racism problems in a previous episode. Mollie argued that an organization that didn’t look out for all its members was irrelevant and Dani argued that the organization served a purpose and was taking steps to amend their issues. Guess who came out the fool?
Do you have a suggestion for a future #BCLChat? Email us at contact@blackchicklit.com or tweet us at @blackchicklit. And don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe to Black Chick Lit on iTunes.
And don’t forget: January is Urban Fic month! This year, we’re reading Hold U Down by Keisha Ervin. Read up, drink up (’cause you know this is our messiest episode) and join us!

Monday Dec 02, 2019
BCL Chat: We Survived (and Thrived in) 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
We can't believe it, dear readers, but we've made it through another year of reading, podcasting and doing both while black. The twitter dramas! The plagiarism scandals! The nacho cheese!
We take a look back and reflect on all the books read and craziness wrought in 2019. Which titles did we love this year? Which did we think was worse: Addicted or The Wedding Date? What was our favorite BCL episode of the year? Listen in and find out.
Do you have a suggestion for a future #BCLChat? Email us at contact@blackchicklit.com or tweet us at @blackchicklit. And don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe to Black Chick Lit on iTunes.
And don’t forget: January is Urban Fic month! Want to pick this year's title? Join us on Patreon for only $2 a month and gain exclusive podcast voting rights.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 33: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Winter is coming. That means it's time for us to dive into the world of fantasy ( ... er, or into fantasy worlds).
This episode, we read N.K. Jemisin's 2010 debut novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Mollie wasn't kidding when she said this was a sexy book. Gods sexing up gods. Gods sexing up humans. Humans sexing up their cousins. It's wild, y'all. But, in the midst of all the sexy times, there's a deftly crafted murder mystery that took us the majority of the episode to unspool. Listen in and follow along!
Get ready for the next episode, our annual End-of-Year retrospective. We'll chat about the bookish good, bad and the ugly. Got something you want say? Tweet us at @blackchicklit or email us at contact@blackchicklit.com.
Thanks for listening and be sure to rate, review and subscribe to us on iTunes. As always, thank you to Suite45 for our theme song, Jones’n.